Should pacticipant names be case insensitve?
Tim Jones
It would be awesome if either:
1) Pacticipant names were case insensitve
2) The broker warned when publishing or retrieving a pact if the pacticipant name differs only in case from another
This was indirectly suggested by Subrahmanyam Rentala on slack:
At the consumer side I provided the provider name as : ABc and at the provider side it was ABC, and again error was not user friendly to investigate
Yousaf Nabi
Tracking via GitHub Issues
There is support for case insensitive resource name matching in the broker, but it's not supported everywhere, and I wouldn't recommend using it. I've been meaning to deprecate support for that actually, as I think it could easily lead to bugs. Adding a "did you mean..." kind of output in the output from the pacts for verification response may be possible.
Subrahmanyam Rentala
Its a simple mistake we do, but would be nice to have an appropriate error handling, or else it would be difficult to troubleshoot the issue.
Dmitry Munda
same goes maybe with tags