Message queues support for C++
Matt Fellows
Thanks Lukasz! For the meantime, you might be able to work around it using the CLI tools:
Lukasz Malek
Matt Fellows: But is this functionality support in the game?
Matt Fellows
Lukasz Malek: Sorry I'm not sure what you mean there. We haven't got any plans if that's what you're asking?
If the CLI as an option isn't workable, you could alternatively contribute the feature to C++ directly? (if so, please join this channel and chat with us)
Lukasz Malek
Matt Fellows: Yeah, if you have any plans of implementing support for the queues is what i was asking for :) Thank you for fast response, i will dig in the cli option to see how could i achieve the same and if this may work for us.
Best regards
Lukasz Malek
Matt Fellows: Well, im affraid cli version doesn't support scenario which i require, or eventually i cant use it properly. I tried to use CLI pact-message and pact stub/mock service from standalone ruby implementation 1.92.0 to serve me a messages specified in the pact file, so i could run consumer tests, but it failed. Would that be possible to send me invite for slack channel you shared? Perhaps there i could learn some more on how could i achieve this
Yousaf Nabi
Lukasz Malek: you can join via, it should provide you an invite link.
The Rust based CLI tools rather than Ruby ones you have used will provide a better experience for V3/V4 pact specifications, and the former does not support them.
Regarding pact-cplusplus
The implementation wraps the pact_ffi library, which exposes all the latest pact functionality, it is feasible for your team to extend this and bring in the ffi functions you require to the DSL.
There was another team asking about the library a few weeks ago, so there may in interest in community collaboration.
Lukasz Malek
Yousaf Nabi: Thank you very much for support. Im gonna give it a try with another client. Also joined the slack. Thnx a lot